Reliable networks.
Easily integrated.

Milan audio network protocol logoOCA Alliance logo


JOYNED helps manufacturers of audio products to make Audio over Ethernet reliable and user friendly. Our software in combination with XMOS microcontrollers enables AVB/Milan and can be quickly integrated into your products.


Fabian Braun, JOYNED Founder and CEO

“Hi, I'm Fabian, your expert for audio network technology.”

As a developer of professional audio systems, I am involved in the standardization of AVB/Milan, AES67, and AES70. What drives me is my enormous enthusiasm for audio network technology, music, and embedded systems.

I am the founder of JOYNED and I am looking forward to help you.

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Richi Rozas, JOYNED Co-Founder and CMO

“Hey, I am Richi and I'm supporting the community around network technology.”

As a marketer, I have been involved in different roles for several projects in the Pro Audio industry and I’ve enjoyed them all.

Music has always been a driving force in my life. It takes to me to places and connects me to people.

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Crhistoph Melauner, DevOps at JOYNED.

“Hi, I am Christoph, and I am responsible for the JOYNED automatic test environment.”

As a DevOps engineer, I am in charge of all the applications running smoothly on your produts.

I have taken on a wide range of positions ranging from Full Stack Development to Dev Ops in a variety of projects. My connection to music is through the techno scene and I cannot say no to some tasty tacos.

Harald Denifle, Sales Advisor.

“Hi, I am Harald, and I am responsible for the sales strategy at JOYNED.”

As the sales leader, my mission is to provide our team with the right information and tools that enable you to choose JOYNED as your audio network partner.

Communication, negotiation and the art of rhetoric are my most important skills, and I have turned my greatest passion into my profession. I have now, at the age of 57, begun to fulfil my childhood dream and start learning and playing the electric guitar.

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Oscar Cipolla, JOYNED Sales Agent for Italy.

“Ciao, I am Oscar, and I am your contact person in Italy.”

I have been involved in ProAV sales with top-level brands for decades. And, if you are based in Italy, I will be your contact to help you with your audio network implementation.

I have always had a close connection with music and electronics, now JOYNED matches both passions.

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Profile picture fo JOYNED team member, Abdeldjalil Frimehdi.

“Hi, I am Abdeldjalil, and I am developing JOYNED software .”

As an Electronic Engineer and Software Developer, I work to get the software running smoothly on your products.

I have a degree in Electronic Engineering and relocated to Austria to pursue my Master’s degree. I enjoy taking walks in nature, identifying different plants and flowers, and capturing bird's-eye views with my drone.

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