Reliable networks.
Easily integrated.

Milan audio network protocol logoOCA Alliance logo

Are you interested in Network Audio?

Do you want to help pro audio manufacturers get their products into the network?

JOYNED is an Austrian startup implementing open-standards network audio for professional audio systems.
We combine audio over ethernet efficiently with signal processing and remote control.
And we are committed with open standards as the sustainable vehicle for a healthy and innovative network ecosystem.

If you want to be part of the new domain for audio products, let us know.

Open positions

Audio equipment being tested

Software Developer for Audio Network

You are an expert when it comes to Networked Embedded Software and you bring relevant experience with C and C++.
Passion for professional audio and multiple years of experience in the industry make you the perfect candidate.
Young female R&D developer

Spontaneous applications

If you don't see a fit for you in any of the open positions and you are willing to join our team, please, drop us some lines about you.
The unexpected things in life are sometimes the best ones!

Just fill in the form and tell us about you. Our ears are open!

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